TBF: Modeling NY40 Marilee, Weems & Plath magnifier & young Mr. Harding

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

5 Responses

  1. Tom Young says:

    Still stuck in 2D, I’m from the CAD – old school. I find the bulk of 3D renderings, gimmicks. But these detailed renderings, are very good!
    They load instantly here in Rockport, thanks to our new town owned high speed fiber optics internet conduit.
    The real value of the authenticity of these renderings could be extremely helpful for the designer and owner – during the design process – in more ways than one.
    For instance, if you look at that raised settee – and the narrow step to sole – long and hard,… in this detailed program, it would be hard for me not to say, “Any other ideas on how to handle this?”
    Fantastic tool! I’m on the fence on the wood finish.

  2. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Hey, Tom, are you talking about when you stepped lively up into the nav station and whacked your right kneecap on the ladder? I also tried the direct route from on deck, where you step down into the station, and one time when I was heavily layered up, I got both legs so jammed I almost had to ask for help.
    But I think that we may have spotted the key compromise in the whole interior design, and figure that many options were considered first, maybe even 3D rendered.
    Also, one gripe with the rendering (besides the sinks and the “coiled lines” forward) is that the computer jocks didn’t bother to model all the signal flags that will live in those cubbies. I imagine that they may read like a big bouquet of flowers in mud season against all those flatish grayish grainy washed rubbed and patinated surfaces. The electronics may look pretty snappy too, when you’re in the mood.

  3. Tom Young says:

    And what about, ‘Nav Stations’? This firm turns out some of the most beautiful and innovative boats launched. But these old nav stations are beginning to look like a telephone booth to me (which I only see in old movies).
    With the way people navigate today -chart plotters-screens for all electronics – all at the helm, and scattered around the boat and in your pocket – and all these gizmos are going wireless, what do you do down there, sitting at that desk?

  4. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Tom, I think the owner wanted to add the nav station — quite important to the design 😉 — plus the multifunction display at the helm which I normally favor is an entirely different decision on a classic like Marilee, which is also primarily a racing boat operated with a large crew.

  5. Michael says:

    Hi Ben,
    I have used MultiSurf for years, and it really is nice to get the frame drawings, say, and the rendered views of the interior from the same base model. Means everything is consistent all the way down. Builders hate it when the end of a bunk sticks out through the side.
    And — I have (as you know) a PC funning Fugawi, or Open CPN, or PC-Navigo (for European canals) by the helm, but I also have a decent-sized chart table and about always haave a peper chart out unles we are way offshore.

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