A new Panbo test boat, more space for more stuff

Ben Stein

Ben Stein

Publisher of Panbo.com, passionate marine electronics enthusiast, 100-ton USCG master.

3 Responses

  1. Looks like a great boat, Ben! I’m sure you’re having a great time bringing her up to Panbo standards 🙂
    My BiL might have a boat in the water this winter – he’s a Yamaha dealer and he often has a trade-in around to play with – so I’ll keep an eye out for you.
    Speaking of which, maybe we can meet up again sometime and I’ll buy you another beer (and look at your new boat!)? We’ll be in Ft. Myers starting in mid-October.
    S/V Atsa

    • Ben Stein Ben Stein says:


      Indeed the challenge of making her a proper test platform is a fun one. I’m already pushing the limits of the wiring chases to the hardtop and imagine there are going to be some new paths found soon.

      When it comes to a visit and a beer, I’m always game. Heck, if any Panbo readers find themselves in my neck of the woods, I’d welcome a cool beverage and the opportunity to chat about marine technology.

      -Ben S.

  2. Wade Griffith says:

    Congrats on the new boat, Ben. I look forward to seeing what you add to her over time.

    As for non-stainless fasteners and wire nuts, don’t forget to include the delivering dealer in the list of suspects. Things like batteries and pumps are often dealer-installed. And I have seem some terrifyingly bad work in the rush to get a new boat out the door.

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