Brian’s P47: “Picking a Partner”

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

7 Responses

  1. Nice boat & very neat installation(s)! I can sympathize with the issues involved with acquiring a new boat – I’ve never done it, but I have had two good friends do it, and both said they’d never do it again.
    But I’d sure like to see a “Gizmo-style” sailboat covered – might give me some cover from the Admiral..:-)

  2. Michael says:

    specing anything — but maybe most of all electronics– for a new boat is always tricky, and it takes a lot of experience to avoid those “$@$% I wish I’d thought of that” moments.
    I would make (in fact have made) other choices (eg not Garmin), but thi looks like a well laid-out installation and I wish the owner all the best.

  3. Bill Lentz says:

    I can recommend a nice POE switch they come in 5 port, 8 port and 16 port versionS and are made by Ubiquiti called the ToughSwitch line up.
    The switches took about 12 months after they were announced to arrive in the US market. They are a nice switch the only negative is they need to be modified to be fed with 12VDC or 24vdc. It comes with a standard 110VAC AC power cord.
    They are worth a look and like all Ubiquiti products they are reliable.
    By the way nice, no change that terrific looking power CAT!
    Bill Lentz
    Little Egg, NJ

  4. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Yes, the ToughSwitch looks nice and the PDF illustrates my point about efficiency:
    But then again Brian’s Aircams came with those PoE injectors and I was probably mean to critique the choice. As readers note, making new boat gear decisions is hard, and that’s often especially true when it’s built by a low volume outfit like Maine Cat.
    Plus PoE is darn confusing. I notice that Ubiquiti makes three different 120ac injectors with outputs of 15v, 24v, and 48v. The Ubiquiti Bullet WiFi radios seem to do fine with 12v passively injected but I’m not sure about the Aircam, though it’s speced at 12-24 passive.
    Meanwhile I seek a reasonable 12vdc to 48vdc injector for the FLIR joystick control. I was happy to learn that the PoE built into the FLIR camera will not fry gear that can’t use it — like a Raymarine switch — but a separate injector is needed in order to control the camera both with MFD and joystick. Arggg!
    Won’t it be nice when MFDs adopt PoE, like Ray is doing with its g-Series?

  5. Wow, “sympathy” for the issues involved in acquiring a new boat? Must be nice to have such high-class “problems”. Sure don’t want to find my self in THAT briar patch…

  6. Well, Grant, all those used boats that you & I might buy had to have been bought NEW at some point.:-) While it might be fun to promote a bit of class warfare against those folks with more disposable income than us, my (admittedly second-hand) observation is that buying a new boat is NOT a bed of roses – especially a large and complex boat.

  7. Bill Lentz says:

    Ben you should look into a DC to DC switching power supply that takes 12vdc and converts it to 48vdc for your FLIR POE supply.
    AirCams will work fine with a supply voltage of 12vdc even a bit lower.
    Ubiquiti makes 3 different POE’s to supply POE for their products as well as other manufactors devices.
    Bill Lentz

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