Life next to the Fast Lane

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

9 Responses

  1. Jeffrey Orling says:

    Thanks for this beautifully crafted account of your journey. Ben this guest posting is a nice idea especially when the work is such high caliber.
    I did the Marion Bermuda with much less “electronics” and we had to do celestial! hahaha Times they are a changing.
    sv Shiva

  2. Bill Bishop says:

    Good story Sandy, and a reminder that increased technological complexity often proves not to be as reliable, especially in a saltwater environment. Truth be told, the little Garmin is very durable, user intuitive, accurate, and in the real world provides all of the navigational capabilities anyone needs to go anyplace. Often less is really better.

  3. Dan Corcoran (b393capt) says:

    Well Done Sandy. A very enjoyable read.

  4. Laurence Woodward says:

    Thanks Ben and Sandy, I think Ben was suggesting the KISS principal earlier and I think we all agree its probably the way to go. Trouble is what to decide on. Years ago it was a walker log sight reduction tables and a sextant. I seem to remember using a atlas for the middle and coming back onto a chart. Now I am paralysed by choice. It’s good to hear peoples real world experience as I think its probably the only way to make a informed decision. Nice boat Sandy.

  5. Michael says:

    Good story Sandy! Been there, done that, including the sea in the face.
    For a Panbot I’m pretty much of a Luddite, believing in the KISS prnciple. But I do have backups on backups, and one time or another I’ve had to use most of them. I also try to keep a celestial plot going offshore, just for practice, really, but if all the GPSs went TU . . .

  6. Sandy Daugherty says:

    I woke up this morning with a dream about taking a picture of the twilight sky with my Droid, and reading my lat and long from it based on it’s plot of the star positions. I would buy that App. We should call it Cellestroid!

  7. Ocean Rose says:

    Great Words of the passage. Many years ago, did the Marion to Bermuda race with a Saber 36. Only a sextent and “that was it”.
    Now, with a Kadey Krogen 44 with a full Garmin set of instruments including 4 Chart Plotters, AIS, Radar, SSB, and a lot of ETC.
    I wonder, “how the hell” did I make it from Marion, Mass. to Bermuda to Ocean City, NJ. “With out all the Garmin stuff” !!!

  8. Anonymous says:

    This article reminds me of the summer I didn’t have anything hooked up for three months… I think I learned to sail better! Now, my issues is where to put all the instruments and what technology to use. I am faced with deciding how to equip my new Henderson SR>Max that only has a compass – I dream of a wireless NMEA 2000 wind instrument and an ultrasonic log (no wire or holes!).

  9. Ed Herlihy says:

    Excellent article Sandy (and Ben)!
    This is a good reminder that the more stuff that you have on board, the more stuff will break! KISS and you will get there.
    I have a Garmin GPSmap 478 , and an iCom 422 VHF on my boat, and that’s it!…
    No radar, I’d like AIS, no SSB,

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