Remote Boat Monitoring: here comes Navico GoFree Vessel/Track and Siren Marine MTC

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

10 Responses

  1. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    And here’s another one!
    I think that most of the Interactio sensor, monitoring, etc. system is still very much in development, but they are taking orders for the Bluetooth fuel flow sensor (gasoline only, I think).
    The Interactio concept also illustrates how much overlap there can be between and on and off boat monitoring.

  2. HenryD says:

    All of these systems are just getting better each day.
    With the Garmin purchase of Delorme, I was hoping Navico would snatch up SPOT. A lot of the boaters I travel with use either Delorme or SPOT devices to allow family and friends to follow their travels. The GoFree TripReplay feature is SPOT on steroids. ActiveCaptain has an interface with Delorme and SPOT as part of their eCards/Friends product. Will Navico have an API for their data for something like ActiveCaptain?
    Does the telematrics box eliminate the need for the GoFree WIFI1 boat wifi module for connecting ipads to the Navico plotters?
    How much network traffic on the NEMA2000 backbone does this add? When connecting to the NSO evo2 plotter – does it slow the response time of the plotter?
    Will this interface with existing Navico products or will it only be available with the rumored NSO evo3 and NSS evo3 products?

  3. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Hi HenryD,
    I will definitely be testing GoFree Track and Vessel as the various service levels roll out, but this is conjecture for now:
    * The Track module can not replace WiFi1 or WiFi built into Navico MFDs because it will not connect to those networks by Ethernet. In fact, I believe that the system architecture was designed to work on any boat, and so integration with Simrad, B&G, and Lowrance gear will be extra sauce that may not appear for a while.
    * I don’t know why Track would create any significant traffic on a NMEA2000 network. Essentially it will be a listening device.
    * I believe that SPOT is a wholly owned division of Globalstar and the technology is only simplex (one way) and somewhat regional, whereas DeLorme, and now Garmin, are only partners with Iridium but have access to global duplex (two way) small burst data messaging. That’s a lot of differences in terms of system integration and feature possibilities πŸ˜‰

  4. mystery says:

    Is there a cost effective system that can work off of existing wifi on my boat? I already have a wifi system and it would be great not to have to pay for an additional service fee when one of these products can potentially re-use the existing wifi instead of needing its own cellular plan… maybe I can build something on my own? would want high water, smoke/co, AC, DC, and maybe security monitoring.

  5. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Mystery, there are household security systems, even baby cams, that can be useful if your boat has a reliable WiFi connection. In fact, I have a FLIR FX camera installed on Gizmo right now and it let me know when the temperature went to 20 last night while I’m in St Lucia:
    But the only dedicated marine monitoring system using WiFi that I know of is the Navico GoFree discussed in this entry. The free WiFi services are pretty minimal (that’s installed on Gizmo too) but when the software is released a fairly modest HD WiFi service will do a lot.

  6. Roger Lines says:

    A quick update on the Interactio Fuel Flow system. We have been shipping systems throughout 2017 to customers running single gas engines up to twin diesels. Easy wireless installation makes it great for retrofits!

  7. Grant Jenkins says:

    Ben – it’s been over 2 years since this post detailing all the cool features of the GoFree Vessel hardware – but I’m thinking something got sidetracked along the way. I don’t see anyone selling it online (at least in North America), and even Navico’s own store website only lists one package, and that shows availability as “limited”. A lot of the other part numbers from the original brochure come up empty.
    Do you know if this actually made it to market anywhere? I can’t even find decent images or a manual online, nor can the local dealer….

    • Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

      Hi Grant, I don’t completely understand what happened to GoFree Track as a retail product, but I think it got out mainly as a charter fleet management system and then interest within Navico petered out for a while. I still have Track installed on Gizmo, the hardware works great, and many of the software feature promises were kept since install, like Trip Replay.

      However, there was no trace of Track at all in the Navico booth here at METS, though I understand that we may soon see a Navico monitoring product relaunch.

  8. Grant Jenkins says:

    Thank Ben – with all the interest in the monitoring segment of the market, I thought this would be an obvious priority for Navico, but it seems to have gone by the wayside…. anyhow thanks for your response.

  9. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Looks like Simrad is taking another crack at boat monitoring, this time much simpler and probably quite inexpensive. Hello BoatConnect:

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