Getting Technical: Standard upgrade

Ben Stein

Ben Stein

Publisher of, passionate marine electronics enthusiast, 100-ton USCG master.

5 Responses

  1. Ben-
    I’ve heard about the eventual evolution to Ethernet based data transfer on boats for some time. Raymarine has been using “Raynet” – with standard Ethernet Switches for many years now. I believe that all of the “big 4” have already converted all Radar, high resolution video cameras and likely Sonar data to Ethernet based schemes. Conversion is already underway to use PoE for cameras and other kit that can readily use PoE. Even Starlink “New Standard” uses PoE to simplify installation in a home, RV or boat.

    The biggest difference between OneNet and existing Ethernet buses in place today (Raynet being just one), is the widespread adoption of PoE with PoE capable switches and the adoption of Security standards for data transfer and acceptance of new devices added to the network. I’m sure the other issue will be connectors! Man is that a hassle. The trend is for companies to start dropping proprietary NMEA 2000 connectors and allow 2000 standard cables to be used on MFD and other devices.

    Part of the time frame that will be needed to finally move the industry to OneNet is replacement of very old MFD and other kit that remains basically functional for many boat owners. So many folks are using MFDs and other gear that is at least 10-15 years old that it will be a while before demand for the new OneNet gear is significant. Adoption on new builds of course will be good but those are outliers by comparison with the installed base of a couple million vessels out there already. Especially since the investment in MFDs is very high and is a barrier to rapid transition to any new standard.

  2. Sean says:

    Great article Ben – to date, has any manufacturer received the full OneNet certification?

    • Ben Stein Ben Stein says:

      To the best of my knowledge, there are not currently any certified OneNet products. I’m told a couple are very close. I’m also hopeful this will be like popping popcorn. The first kernels take a long time but then things start happening rapidly and all at once.

      -Ben S.

    • Trevor Hope Trevor Hope says:

      I would like to upgrade from my Garmin 942xs, but everytime I go to check prices I get outraged and put it off again. I made a very functional raspberry pi plotter that gets all the nmea2000 data on the boat for a couple hundred bucks, why would I pay $1500 for a plotter with almost no extra functionality? Hoping there is more development in the open source area!

  3. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Yike, I wrote about NMEA “finally” creating OneNet in 2012… …and thought it would be “ahead of the curve” a year later:

    There are many interesting and sometimes argumentative comments on those posts, so I’m not the only marine electronics enthusiast who did not realize that OneNet would take so long to actually materialize 😉

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