Vexilar SonarPhone T-Pod, WiFi fishfinder in a bobber!

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

12 Responses

  1. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    ​Tom Zenanko of Vexilar says I’ll be really amazed by the SonarPhone T-Box SP200 fixed model (though my neglected old outboard power catamaran “Li’l Gizmo” needs a lot of work first ;-(
    Tom also reports that the SonarPhone is getting lots of interest from small boat builders and may become a standard feature in some 2015 models. He’s also getting calls from marine electronics distributors around the world.
    SonarPhone may be another disruptive success story involving mobile device apps, wireless comms and all the hard work it takes to develop a mature product.

  2. Paulius says:

    Rather than tossing out the sonar phone via a fishing line, it could be installed in, or towed by, a remote control “toy” boat. It would be an easy way to find the deep water to get yourself off a shoal or where to drop the hook!

  3. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Paulius, the similar Deeper wireless fishfinder has a stud that can be used to mount it on a remote control boat. Pictures down the page here:

  4. Northcountry says:

    Sonarphone has a lot more options. Add on to that the fact that it runs off wifi, not Bluetooth, you can have a lot more people connected to one unit at the same time. Apples to oranges.

  5. Earl says:

    Do you need to be connected to a wifi connection or is the tpod the wifi connection sorry I don’t get it?

  6. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    No worries, Earl, it’s a common misunderstanding. WiFi is just a wireless communications protocol; it is not the Internet, even though many people think that an Internet connection via WiFi is WiFi.
    So, yes, the T-Pod has its own WiFi transceiver (aka hotspot) which you hook up to with your phone. It will work anywhere as long is your phone is close enough to the T-Pod.

  7. Jan says:

    I’m considering using this for ice fishing…is there a temp rating on the T-pod. Would you anticipate any problems in below zero weather?

  8. Winston says:

    Any word on how this thing performed ice fishing? Thanks

  9. don pidhoresky says:

    I have the unit and tried it ice fishing and will again should chart speed be at lowest setting

  10. Ryan Napolitano says:

    I have been reading about this unit as well. I purchased the 200 model to mount on a 17′ Whaler, in conjunction with the Navionics app on a Nexus 7. Should give me a 7″ MFD experience for around $350. Not too shabby. I agree that this could, if it works well, provide a very disruptive workflow for the small boat owner. Will it replace the electronics on my larger SF? No. But Im hoping it will further spur development in the future!

  11. Matt says:

    I was wondering if the display showed speed over ground or not. I was thinking about getting this for my kayak and using it on the lake or rivers that I fish. Any information would be amazing. Thanks in advance.

  12. Malcolm says:

    I already have a vexilar fish camera. I am looking at purchasing a t300 fish finder. Just wondering if they will both work at the same time on the same boat? will the WiFi signals interfere with each Other?

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