Yacht Devices Run Indicator and Alarm Button, alarmingly flexible

Ben Stein

Ben Stein

Publisher of Panbo.com, passionate marine electronics enthusiast, 100-ton USCG master.

17 Responses

  1. Grant Jenkins says:

    Ben – this post must have taken you WEEKS to put together, but I suppose most of us have extra time on our hands these days… I must confess my eyes started to glaze over about half way through. I think perhaps this unit should be packaged with an 8 hour configuration trip by a NMEA2000 Master installer!
    For those of us not quite up to that level – Could you just confirm if I can monitor voltage only from 4 discrete battery banks, with minimal configuration, and display them on an appropriate NMEA 2000 device, like a Maretron DSM410?
    I’ve been looking for an economical way to do this, and so far haven’t found it – Thanks,

    • Ben Stein Ben Stein says:

      Grant – As you note, this wasn’t a short or lightweight post. It’s one of a few topics I’m working on right now where there’s so much that can be done that it’s a challenge to describe all the options. I’m sorry to hear I lost you partway through, and can tell you I was concerned that might happen.

      I can confirm you can use the YDRI as a means of monitoring voltage on four separate battery banks. Each bank will show up as a NMEA 2000 battery (appropriately enough in this case) and show voltage but 0 amps unless you run the bank through the YDRI, which is unlikely to be possible because of amperage limits.

      -Ben S.

      • Grant Jenkins says:

        OK Ben, thanks for the quick response. To be clear, I do appreciate your detailed reporting, on this and other topics – it’s just way more capability than I can reasonably absorb at present. I’m looking forward to setting one up as a battery monitor, however! Cheers,

      • Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

        Hey Ben, I want to doublecheck the following and it may be good for reader clarification. To monitor four different battery banks (or simply the voltage/amperage at a device) doesn’t the following have to be true:

        1. Each battery PGN has to have a different Instance number?
        2. The display has to be able to distinguish battery PGNs with different Instance numbers?

        I trust that the YDR1 monitoring circuits can be set up with specific Instance numbers and I know that Maretron displays can be set up to read a PGN with a specific number, but that ability seems to vary with other brand displays.

        Please correct or confirm.

        • Ben Stein Ben Stein says:


          Your understanding is correct. Each battery will show up as a separate instance in NMEA 2000. By default the device assigns instance 0 to circuit A, 1 to B, 2 to C, and 3 to D but you can change these settings and assign instances between 0 and 252 to the circuits.

          I think you’re also right that the way the data is displayed will vary among manufacturers. I’m going to do some experimenting and I’ll report back about some of the common displays.

          -Ben S.

          • Ben Stein Ben Stein says:

            Here’s a bit of good news I wasn’t expecting. I just tried this on an Raymarine a67 I have on the boat. In the data app there’s a battery category that supports battery voltage, amps and temperature and it supports batteries 1-4. My doing lights are on channel D (instance 3) so I selected amps for battery 4 and was able to watch the gauge correctly display amperage for the lights. I’ll do some more experimenting but I’m pleasantly surprised to find that an older display running Light House II successfully displays the data.

            -Ben S.

          • Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

            Thanks, and good news on the Ray a67. But let’s also discuss Labeling data like this. In my experience, Maretron is great about this. If, say, Grant was using their battery monitoring, he could custom name them in the DCM100 config and that label would be available on any Maretron display. Or if (saved money and) used the YDR1, he could write a custom data label on any Maretron display.

            CZone can push Labels to supported MFDs, but I can’t think of other cases where they work between brands and many displays don’t include them at all, although I think that Labeling is part of the N2K standard. I whined about this situation years ago, but it didn’t do much good 😉


  2. David says:

    I ordered a YDNU-02 on March 16 from Yacht Devices. No idea where it is. I’d like to order some more, but how long will it take to get these.?

    • Ben Stein Ben Stein says:

      David, If you haven’t received an item ordered two weeks ago I suspect you placed the order with Yacht Devices Limited out of eastern Europe, not from Yacht Devices U.S., the U.S. reseller. Packages from Yacht Devices Limited typically take two to three weeks to make it to the U.S., but things seem to be running slower currently.

      -Ben S.

      • David Killman says:

        At the the time I ordered, I didn’t know there was a USA distributor. Thanks for the heads up.

  3. Jeremy Carter says:

    Ben, This is a great write up!

    I think you are likely right that the CLMD-12 is using a proprietary PGN for current info. They use proprietary PGN 65284 for current on the DCR100. That is rather interesting if they chose a different proprietary PGN for the CLMD-12.

    It seems like YachtD came up with a pretty interesting solution…

  4. Brandon says:

    Can the alarm module “annunciate” an alert from a Maretron DSM 410 (similar to their ALM100 module)?

    • Ben Stein Ben Stein says:

      I don’t think it could in direct response to the DSM 410. From the Maretron manual it appears they’re using a proprietary PGN for the alarm messaging while hoping NMEA will approve an official alarming PGN. Yacht Devices tackled the problem of no approved alarming PGN by using switching PGNs instead of a proprietary alarming PGN. Neither of these solutions is ideal and both come with trade-offs, but without an approved PGN it’s the choice manufacturers are left to make.

      If the underlying device that the DSM 410 is using for its threshold can send a switching message then you could use the YDAB but if not, you may have to stay within Maretron’s options.

      -Ben S.

  5. Mic says:

    Great write up. Thx!

  6. greg young greg young says:

    i noted recently that a purchase i made from yachtbdevices was shipped from russia direct to me,
    i also note thatbwith some further investigation thatbtheir business is registered/headquartered in russia.
    thats a shame as i liked their products.

    in light of recent events. this will be my lastbpuechase from this company and as a sign of protest i destroyed the device before installing it…
    and im ensuring that all my community of marine contacts and boaters are aware of this – dor them to make their own informed decisions ..

    • Ben Stein Ben Stein says:

      Hi Greg,

      As I mentioned in the original article, in addition to my work with Panbo I own Yacht Devices U.S., a U.S. based reseller of Yacht Devices Limited’s products. Yacht Devices Limited is based in Kaliningrad, a part of the Russian Federation. Kaliningrad is on the Baltic Sea between Poland and Lithuania. All of Yacht Devices’ parts are made in Lithuania, though as you note, the headquarters are in Kaliningrad.

      I am as disgusted with the acts of war by Russia in Ukraine and we all must find our own ways to express that disgust and outrage.

      -Ben S.

  7. RS says:

    Just ordered one from Yacht Devices US, I have a couple of other Yacht Devices products and have been pleased. I’m installing a Mermaid AC in my in my boat and am trying to think of a way to have the YDRI-04 be able to show when the AC (or reverse cycle heat) is running. I realize the YDRI-04 can only do DC, any thoughts?

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