Monthly Archive: November 2005

ReVA, who’s the geek now? 0

ReVA, who’s the geek now?

Yup, it’s funny to imagine paying $3,500 to wear this gizmo around your megayacht, but if it works as advertised I’ll bet there’s a small market for it. The idea of ReVA—Remote Video Assistance...

BoatU.S. magazine, fact check please! 3

BoatU.S. magazine, fact check please!

We interrupt the normal new electronics programming for a brief rant. I just read this in the November issue of Boat.U.S., reportedly the largest circulation boating magazine on the planet (and generally quite good):...

AIS at Lauderdale, lots 12

AIS at Lauderdale, lots

The above snip from a Nobeltec VNS screen (full size here) shows how some of the megayachts tied stern-to at the Ft. Lauderdale show looked AIS-wise. There are obviously a few errors either in the vessel dimensions or...