Monthly Archive: March 2006

Gunboat 62, wicked fast too 3

Gunboat 62, wicked fast too

How about a 62’ sailing cat with an interior like a sleek apartment and the performance of a carbon racer? Sailing Anarchy has the story here, including a larger version of the picture above,...

Sea Smart 3, & what about Rescue 21? 6

Sea Smart 3, & what about Rescue 21?

Well, so far a very small sampling of Panbites (?) is not too excited about Sea Smart. But I am. I think it may well become a “no brainer” for offshore fishermen, long distance coastal cruisers, and...

Sea Smart 2, the roll out and AVL 6

Sea Smart 2, the roll out and AVL

As explained a bit yesterday, Sea Smart has taken over the infrastructure—towers, radios, and marine operator licenses—that MariTEL shut down in 2003. As shown above, from, the service is live on the west coast of Florida, coming...

Sea Smart, welcome back the marine operator! 2

Sea Smart, welcome back the marine operator!

Researching Sea Smart is getting me nostalgic. Back in the 70’s—when I was running a daysailer, delivering yachts, dragging scallops…out on the water a lot— Camden Marine was a tiny independent company with an antenna on...

Garmin BlueChart G2, what do they look like? 2

Garmin BlueChart G2, what do they look like?

Today I realized that Garmin has put up more information about their second generation BlueCharts, including the screen shot of the perspective view above, and the unusual top-down high-res photo below. Garmin announced G2 in November along...

SAIL’s FKP innovation awards, the PDF 4

SAIL’s FKP innovation awards, the PDF

I’m glad to see that Sail has posted a PDF of this year’s Freeman K. Pittman awards (downloadable from this page). In honor of former Technical Editor Pittman, every December four of us choose what we...

Navionics card reader, a Windows ‘gotcha’ 29

Navionics card reader, a Windows ‘gotcha’

Does it strike you as peculiar that Navionics is packaging their new NavPlanner software with a special multi card reader? Heck, didn’t Navionics spearhead the move to standard memory cards? Aren’t all its current products on either...