FLIR M232 thermal camera ClearCruise, eyes-on with Raymarine Axiom and eS

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

9 Responses

  1. I am loving the trend of all of these disparate technologies finally being unified by software. Using cameras and logic within the MFD to track objects, overlaying AIS target information on the screen, and the full augmented reality functionality in LH 3.7 are just the first examples of what this sort of tech can bring to boating.

    Seeing all of the press around AR in the last year in the tech world is interesting, but many of the practical applications are game focused, or on weird niche markets like watching airplanes fly by (which I do a lot!) and not really useful day-to-day.

    The new things that Raymarine are focusing on will probably seem common place in a few years, and definitely will contribute to more visibility and safety on the water.

    • Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

      Me too, and in some cases the heavy load processing is happening right in the sensor. I got this explanation from Raymarine yesterday:

      “The AR200 is not required for the range calculation. The M132 and M232 cameras are figuring that out independent of the AR200. The FLIR Boson core in those cameras has a vector processor chip built-in. Depending on the application the core is being used for, that processor can be used to do things like obstacle detection, pedestrian detection, general motion detection, etc. On older generation systems that data had to be calculated externally with another processor module. Boson brings that right into the camera core itself with makes for a much more compact and economical system.”

      • Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

        Now on a totally different subject, Steve, I understand that you’re moving to the dark (and comfy) side…

        …and that maybe you have already purchased a “stinkpot”? I’d like to welcome you enthusiastically to the practical side of rec boating and I very much look forward to hearing about your new ride.

        • I am moving to the dark, comfy, and far less compromising side of the boating world!

          I have not been saying much about the sale of my sailboat Grace, nor the purchase of the next boat, because I am very superstitious about the whole process, and have had bad luck in the past (and even this time around!) by blabbing too much 🙂

          What I can say is that Grace is days away from closing and moving on to another family, and I am under contract for a wonderful Ocean Alexander 46′ yacht, and very excited about the possibilities.

          I don’t mind the “stinkpot” reputation – after all, around here, I motored in my sailboat 90% of the time (as do so many others) so its just a louder, bigger version of that without spendy cloth, and more room! I am ducking as most of my sailing friends disown me at that last statement 🙂

          I am very excited about having more room and power to do even more techy fun stuff on the boat! I can’t wait to share more about the new platform!!!

      • That is pretty cool technology. Looking forward to even more integration and features – Raymarine has impressed me in the last 3 years in their innovation, new ideas, and in particular in their focus on User Experience, which the other folks could really learn a lot from.

  2. william says:

    Talking with a Raymarine rep the other day, it is my understanding AR will be coming to Flir cameras, but no timeline given. They must be IP cameras to properly interface with the AR200.

    • Ben Stein Ben Stein says:

      I was definitely given the same impression. Apparently the biggest challenge to getting AR on the FLIR cameras is accounting for their pan and tilt capabilities. This movement adds two more dimensions to the calculations that must be performed to correlate the location of objects with the displayed image.

  3. matt says:

    Where is the best place to mount a pan & tilt thermal camera on a sailboat? On the spreader, you may be blocked by the sail. On the mast and you are blocked by it for a portion of the 360 degree view. Lower down on the bow and it risks getting covered in salt and unacceptable vertical movement. It seems to me a good place might be on a transom radar pole. But too high up and again, you are blocked by the sail and too low down, you can see under the sail but don’t get the thermal contrast with the sea. Thoughts and experiences welcome.

  1. July 9, 2019

    […] ClearCruise highlights non-water objects detected by a FLIR camera on-screen — Ben E. discussed his use of ClearCruise around Hampton Roads — and only works with FLIR cameras and Raymarine MFDs.  ClearCruise AR […]

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