Chuck Husick, a fond farewell

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

6 Responses

  1. GPSNavX says:

    Chuck was an early user and big supporter of GPSNavX software and Macs. Back in the days when Apple had just come out of a near death experience, Chuck provided fantastic feedback to improve Mac navigation software. Over the years he wrote various articles about the subject. Chuck provided inspiration to keep the candle burning.
    – Rich Ray

  2. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    True that, Rich. Chuck had an eye for new technology, even at 77 years old. I first heard about GPSNavX from him, and the last I heard from him was an email compliment regarding a Yachting article I wrote about the iPad (unfortunately now somehow lost on Yachting’s new site):
    “Well done! iPad will become the nautical equivalent of a pilot’s EFB (electronic flight bag). Cheers, Chuck”
    Chuck was generous with praise, and that was last May when he was quite ill. I didn’t know that then, and he didn’t mention it.

  3. Chris Watson says:

    Chuck will definitely be missed, both for his good humor and his commitment to his craft. It was always a pleasure to speak to him when he called looking for information or when he stopped by the KVH exhibits at trade shows to chat about our products as well as other tech that fascinated him. He was one of the first writers I spoke with when I got into the marine business more than a decade ago and he always treated me and our products fairly, which goes a long way in my book.

  4. Roger Irwin says:

    Your picture of the 4×4 GMC truck launching or recovering the boat in your headline graphic is very disturbing to me. If I was the skipper of the boat I would be VERY WORRIED as to the absorbed energy from the Radome. Particularly if the skipper is standing at the controls. You can get some significant sidelobe radiation levels.

  5. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Roger, that’s my truck and it was my precious organs next to that radome. But no worries, it’s a Navico Broadband Radar, which puts out less radiation than a cell phone. The FCC “safe distance” figure is zero feet. The real question is whether standard magnetron radars in this size range are any real danger:
    Incidentally, Chuck Husick was a big fan of the Broadband Radar, and hoped that more solid state marine radars would be developed.

  6. Peter Kundra says:

    I was sad to read about Chuck’s passing , which I learned a few years after his death. I worked for Chuck at one point in my career. He was a wonderful guy to work for, to know and to be around. I recall going to lunch with him on many occasions. he always had to drive his car. On one occasion I was admiring the dash on his Mercedes and touched the dash wood. Chuch opened the glove compartment, took out a rag and wiped where I had touched. He would come into my office and suggest we take a walk to some part on the facility. I’d be getting up from behind my desk; Chuch would be returning from the suggested visit. Always a man on the go; never lingered. Another story. he would always take his Staff on an annual “Staff Meeting”. it started as a one day event and emerged into a 4 day overnite sailing trip ,usually to Annapolis. Once aboard ship, we had to use the correct nautical language. he gave us a crash course on terminology,sailing, etc- “never call this a rope; its is a line” I recall him saying. All the appropriate lingo disappeared on one trip when we were approaching Annapolis and the message from his secretary apparently did not reach the dock master and there was no space available. All the “appropriate” nautical language turned into a raft of expletives. We all chuckled but it was appropriate.
    As I mentioned, Chuck was a wonderful man. i lost touch with him when he left to join another organization. Peace Chuck

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