ePropulsion Unveils Revolutionary eLite Electric Outboard Motor

1 Response

  1. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    As someone who has used and tested 1,000 Watt electric outboards on a variety of tenders for more than a decade, I’m pretty sure that the 500W elite will do the job for many dinghies. I also like the rudder-like form factor — trailblazed by Remigo, and now looking great as the Temo 1000 — as well as the separate “one click” transom mount. And it’s nice that this little e-outboard still has reverse for maneuvering around docks and such.

    But for me, the big news here is a quality electric outboard with a carry weight of 15 pounds and a price “just under $1,000”. The only downside I see from here is the built-in battery, which is also quite small at 378 Wh. So having an extra battery for extended range is not possible, though I presume that a failed battery can be replaced, though it may take a trip to a service center. Overall, this looks like a winner to me.

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