Panbo News and Reviews


Starlink spring 2024, making sense of continued changes

It’s been a little while since I’ve posted a Starlink update. Frankly, that’s because things have (mostly) been humming along pretty well with a relative minimum of changes. While there have been developments, including new hardware, none of them called to me for an update. Until last week. That’s when subscribers to Starlink’s Mobility – Global package received an email notifying them their monthly charges would double. So, now seems like a good time to dive back in and take a look at the state of affairs at SpaceX and Starlink.


Max Marine Electronics, used gear with confidence

I first learned about Max Marine Electronics when Max himself served with me on an awards judging panel at the National Marine Electronics Association’s annual meeting a few years ago. Since hearing about his operations, I’ve been planning to visit the facility and see how they refurbish and sell used marine electronics. It took a while, but I recently made my way to Pompano Beach and spent the day with Max at his eponymous company.


Garmin GPSMap 9000 series, high resolution and big power

Garmin’s GPSMap 9000 series is a tour de force in many ways. At 27 inches, the largest member of the line is the largest main stream MFD out there. With 4K resolution it’s the highest resolution MFD on the market. It has ample processing power, myriad interfaces for integration, and ample screen real estate.


Seakeeper 1: installed, on the water, and stable

In the last year, Panbo(at) has had both Seakeeper Ride and now a Seakeeper 1 gyro installed. I know it may seem like it, but Panbo(at) didn’t have a stability problem before both products were installed. In fact, the boat’s ride impressed me even without any aids. But, now that it has these two systems keeping the boat’s movements in check, I can’t help but marvel at how much better the boat rides. Seakeeper’s systems have taken a boat with good manners and made it dramatically better. That’s quite the accomplishment.


MIBS 2024: Dockmate DPS

Dynamic positioning systems (DPS) have been around for over a decade. But, until now, DPS has been a feature of joystick control systems tightly coupled with propulsion packages. So, a boater interested in adding DPS to their boat couldn’t unless their existing engine and control package offered it. Typically, that means pods or recent outboards. That propulsion integration means if you own a boat with traditional inboards, shafts, and props, there very likely isn’t a viable DPS option. Until now! Dockmate now offers DPS as an add-on to any twin-engine boat fitted with their remote control.



Shortly before the 2024 Miami International Boat Show, Simrad announced the NSX ULTRAWIDE multi-function device. My first reaction when I saw it was that Simrad was joining other ultrawide displays already in the market. But, when I stopped to think about it, I realized they are the first to introduce an ultrawide MFD to the marine marketplace. It seemed like such a logical next step that I thought someone must have done it already. So, I believe Simrad deserves credit for being the first and keeping pace with broader trends.


MIBS 2024: Skyhawk Oversea, a fresh look at monitoring

Boat monitoring isn’t a new concept or product category. Heck, it’s been 17 years since Ben E. wrote up the first monitors on Panbo. So, you may be wondering what could be so new that my fellow judges and I awarded SkyHawk Oversea at MIBS this year. The short answer is a lot. The longer answer is Skyhawk took a fresh look at most of what we know about boat monitoring and came up with something very different. Will it work? Honestly, I don’t know. But I sure do love the paradigm-pushing approach they took.


What I learned about Furuno’s new TZtouchXL MFD series at MIBS

I just returned from the Discover Boating Miami International Boat Show (DBMIBS or MIBS as most of us know it) and while there spent time with Furuno USA learning all about their new TZtouchXL MFDs. Panbo will bring you more coverage of these new MFDs, but before the ink dries, I wanted to get a few notes out about the new units.


Sensar Marine Boat + Bilge Monitor: elegant monitoring simplified

In my mind, boat monitors fall into one of two categories: high-end systems that can do everything and simple systems focused on key systems. The former category typically includes all manner of sensors, network interfaces, and other options. Monitors in the latter category focus on monitoring critical indicators of a boat’s health. Depending on the size, complexity, and use of a boat, there are scenarios that fit both categories. Sensar Marine’s Boat and Bilge Monitor focuses on critical systems and may be the most refined example I’ve tested. Overall, I was pleased with how the monitor worked while seeing a few opportunities for even better performance.