Winegard enters marine market

Ben Stein

Ben Stein

Publisher of, passionate marine electronics enthusiast, 100-ton USCG master.

8 Responses

  1. Jeff Harrison says:

    If the cellular data is affordable, this sounds great. At least until SpaceX gets their sat internet up and running.

    • Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

      Jeff, the Winegard site lists prepaid data plans starting at $20 for 1 GB, $35 for 3, etc…

      There are less expensive 4G data plans for sure, but “no annual contracts, activation fees, or monthly bills” sounds good, especially if unused data carries over until it’s used up (which is still not clear as Ben S notes).

      There are somewhat similar products to this, like the Glomex WebBoat (that’s nicely appearing in the new “Similar Posts” section 😉 but they usually presume that you will get your own data service SIM card from the provider of your choice. That may work great for some boaters, but I’ve had trouble with it and think Winegard’s total solution may make sense for some of us.

  2. Ben Stein Ben Stein says:

    This is a crowded space. I think it will be interesting to see how Winegard does entering. I’ve always thought the specialists, Wave WiFi, Island Time, Coastal, The Wirie, etc. have done better work here than the broader line vendors. I’m looking forward to the opportunity to test this, and a few other systems, and see how they compare. I’m confident all the solutions out there are going to improve on my kind of cobbled together home-grown system.

  3. Ben Stein Ben Stein says:

    Also, kind of fun to see how far all of this has come since this was cutting edge:

  4. Colin says:

    Interesting. I have seen these already on RV’s. On that topic it would be great if Panbo did a a new round up of wifi extended bridges been a while I think. My in laws were looking for one for their camper and this one from Alfa looks interesting.
    In the past I have used cradle point routers for an easy cell-wifi changeover but they seem to be changing their lineup away from this type use.

  5. Chris Dunphy says:

    FYI – WineGard has replaced the ConnecT with a mostly-improved ConecT 2.0, and hopefully they will soon have a marine version of that as well.

    Our first impressions of the ConnecT 2.0 here. and we also have a full review published now:

    Perhaps the biggest improvement is that you can now use your own SIM and data plan, with support for AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile.

    The crazy 5-legged stool design has also been eliminated.


    – Chris

  1. June 20, 2018

    […] has previously looked at all-in-one systems from Glomex, Shakespeare, and Winegard.  Each of these systems has a little bit different spin on the basic concept.  Let’s get […]

  2. September 19, 2018

    […] cellular get-online system — with the cell service included — is Winegard’s first entry into the marine internet market, they’ve been at it in the RV world for quite some time and the rock-solid RF performance is […]

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