Monthly Archive: February 2008

MIBS, the madness 9

MIBS, the madness


Dear readers, sorry for the dead air! I intended to post at least a few times during MIBS (Miami International Boat Show), but your boy way over-booked himself, and sometimes had a little too much fun. For starters,…

Kagstrom’s AIS Simulator, and good B news 6

Kagstrom’s AIS Simulator, and good B news


Man, the AIS traffic was heavy out there in the Gulf of Maine! Actually I was using the very neat AIS Simulation software created by Mats Kågstrøm of Firma Mats Kagstrom. Specifically I was testing how many AIS targets a Raymarine E-Series can handle simultaneously, as I got a report from a user who says his resets randomly when more than 100 ships are within range. Well, I did see

RFIDs for DHS, AIS later? 14

RFIDs for DHS, AIS later?


“The nation’s 18 million recreational boaters may need to register their crafts in a national database and place radio frequency identification tags {RFID} on their vessels under plans put forth by a stakeholders group convened by the Homeland Security Department {DHS}.” So says an article in WashingtonTechnology. The idea, um, doesn’t sit well with the editor…