GPS date rollover affects older GPS units

Ben Stein

Ben Stein

Publisher of, passionate marine electronics enthusiast, 100-ton USCG master.

12 Responses

  1. Richard Cassano says:

    Thanks Ben S, The way I interpret the post is that all installed GPS units are suspect until tested with the latest manufacturers software update. So, if you are in the market for a new chartplotter/ GPS when is it safe to assume the product has the correct rollover date sequence and will last for 20 more seasons? I would hate to buy new and find out the GPS has the wrong date and a half baked patch to keep it alive.

    • Ben Stein Ben Stein says:


      I would read it a little differently. The government agencies have stated that older GPS units will have problems and some newer units with poorly implemented versions of the new spec could also have problems. The manufacturers of the units have come out and said we know these models are good and some of our older stuff may have problems. I think it’s implied that the manufacturers have tested the units they say are good and I would be pretty happy to rely on that testing. All of the marine electronics manufacturers discussed are pretty skilled in GPS implementations so I would be surprised to see any of them poorly implement such a fundamental part of their products.

      Ben S.

    • Matt Cross says:

      If it’s anything you can buy now from any name you’ve heard of in marine or consumer electronics, it’s nothing to worry about. The suspect units would be from 20 years ago, and nearly unusable anyway. They’re sitting in the bin next to your LORAN. I was thinking I’d dig out my 1997 Garmin GPS III to test, but realized I chucked it long ago…

  2. Ben Stein Ben Stein says:

    Hmmm… Since I put up this article the Garmin support link has gone dead. I confirmed the link is correct but Garmin has taken down the support entry.

  3. I have confirmed with Hondex (popular among commercial fishermen in Maine, Canada, and elsewhere) their plotters are not affected by this event. We are a distributor.

  4. Ben Stein Ben Stein says:

    Gizmodo had picked up the thread today. They don’t have much more knowledge than we do and I suspect their Y2K comparison is apt in terms of impact, but maybe I’m blindly optimistic.

  5. Daniel Field says:

    Any published information anywhere regarding GPS Rollover in relation to Thrane Thrane SAT C units ?

  6. Dan Corcoran Dan Corcoran says:

    Garmin Date Rollover statement is here since at least Saturday.

  7. Howard says:

    Raymarine information updated on April 4. Look at the file link for specific model information, for example, the RS125 GPS sensor on my boat could have date issue in 2022.

  8. Jim Hebert says:

    My Lowrance legacy HDS-8 multi-function display with internal GPS receiver continues to work properly following the GPS Week Rollover event.

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