Lowrance Broadband Sonar, demo impressions

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

3 Responses

  1. rickq says:

    is this black box sounder the same sounder as simrads bsm1 or perhaps a newer version?

  2. Johnny Stansell says:

    I believe this has been converted over the Lowrance BSM-1 for exclusive compatibility with the HDS series. If so, would you say the clarity and definition are substantially improved, as they claim, by using the broadband sounder? Or, in your opinion would I be just as happy with the less expensive Structure Scan LSS-1?

  3. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Broadband Sonar, now built into the Lowrance HDS series, and StructureScan are quite different. The latter’s very narrow beam is great for building a detailed bottom image, but not great for finding fish:

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