MIBS #1, all about me

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

17 Responses

  1. Russ says:

    Congratulations! Certainly earned and deserved!
    And congratulations also to Gram!

  2. Jeffrey Siegel says:

    Well deserved, Ben. Congratulations!

  3. miltbaker says:

    Unsurprising news, indeed, Ben . . . you de man!
    –Milt Baker, Nordhavn 47 Bluewater, Fort Lauderdale

  4. bob bergoffen says:

    The GRIN says it all. And certainly, congratulations. A well deserved award.

  5. Bill Bishop says:

    All good things in life are earned, and you have earned it. An exceptional body of work.

  6. Rick says:

    I Will add my congrats too. Panbo is my favourite site.

  7. Chris says:

    Congrats Ben, well deserved.

  8. Donald Joyce says:

    Congratulations for the recognition! You provide an invaluable resource to your readers!

  9. Allan Seymour says:

    Yeah have fun and get warm but remember Maine awaits your return. 15 degrees here in Vermont.

  10. Arnie says:

    Great job Ben! You deserve it for a lot of hard work and a continuous flow of interesting electronics writing.

  11. John Dark says:

    Congratulations, Ben. Well deserved!

  12. Preston Calvert says:

    Well done, Ben. You are a great resource to boaters, and we all respect your journalistic integrity.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Congrats Ben. I was reading your Feb CW article thinking to myself, man that Ben is a darn good writer, and Panbo is a great gift! Congrats again! This is very well deserved and likely only the start!
    Now to business, how big of a skiff and what batteries where back there? Any idea of range!
    I have also seen the SH CPN700i for sale this month in Canada and the US… I thought we’d have to wait until April!
    Lastly, the grin is priceless!

  14. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Thanks, anon, and all!
    As for planing on electric power, I don’t have literature at hand right now, but recall that the $10,000 of lithium battery power in kevlar skiff was estimated to get 70 minutes of fast time with about 400 pounds of myself and Ed Sherman on board. Kind of silly, but I think the idea was just to prove it possible, and the numbers will get better over time. Meanwhile, using Torqueedo technology at displacement speeds makes lots of sense, I think, and I’ll have more on that.
    As for the CPN Series, I think buying one and receiving it are two different things. I believe SH is hoping to ship in 90 days and the software is still Beta, though neat. More on that coming too.
    PS Ed, who I should have thanked for the picture, has more about our Torqueedo ride here:

  15. Laurence Woodward says:

    Well done Ben. $10,000 batteries, they are great engines but that’s a Yamaha 9.9 and the fuel for a few years probably even more in my case. I love the idea solar panels powering one through the doldrums. Truth is it turns out to all be a bit more complicated than that in the end partly due to the higher voltages they require. I am only talking in the case of my boat twin Yamaha 9.9s and a 15 on the tender. Great if you can charge the batteries conveniently.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Thanks Ben… My dealer did confirm an April delivery, so not surprises there – Panbo is the truth!
    $10k of lithium… yes, that sounds right. The March copy of Practical Boat Owner has a review of the new outboard 1003[?]… their prediction is that we will all be using electrics in 10 years?
    Any Panbo Bets???

  17. Congratulations Ben, These two awards were richly deserved. It’s been a pleasure working with you over the years and seeing how far you’ve taken Panbo. I often tell colleagues that you’re one of the smartest guys out there covering the marine electronics field, and you’ve made Panbo the best online resource for objective marine electronic news. It’s great to see your hard work acknowledged by your fellow journalists.

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