MV Dirona: deep cruising, deeply shared

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

5 Responses

  1. Wow! that’s quite a little ship -and crew 🙂
    On the dripless,those set-screws are supposed to be doubled, something the folks who commissioned ATSA neglected to do. Fortunately, I figured it out, re-positioned the puck and added the missing ones before we floated the floorboards. Haven’t had an issue since, though we do have a shaft zinc 1/8″ behind the SS puck 🙂

  2. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Good to hear, Hartley. The shaft zinc as safety and movement monitor is a great idea that should get around. Actually I’m a bit surprised that PSS doesn’t recommend it in their manual and/or on their site.
    But PSS did give me excellent tech support. A well informed, living human answered the phone and after I described the symptoms calmly explained that either my engine and shaft had shifted forward — very unlikely — or the collar had, and could probably be easily fixed. He even discouraged an order for new set screws, advising me that locking pair could be switched with the pair had apparently failed.
    My yard replaced this shaft seal when they pulled the shaft to replace the cutlas bearing three winters ago, and that was a good idea given that replacing the rubber bellows otherwise is a major job. But I wish they had cranked down on those set screws a little harder, and same for the rudder post seal, which started leaking soon after.
    The rudder shaft issue was a little hard to sleuth out because it only happened underway, but the shaft seal was truly memorable. It went from truly dripless for years to throwing lots of water several feet in all directions at about 8 knots or over. Slow down or stop and it was dripless again.

  3. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    It’s neat that the Hamiltons have posted their transatlantic route thinking, and direct to Cork in early May with fuel for 2,950 miles is plan A:
    Meanwhile I’ve been working on a systems profile of a similar size and similarly well outfitted yacht, but with entirely different performance goals.
    I was aboard the first ever (and gorgeous) Sabre 66 Fly Bridge model last Friday in Rockland, just 2 days after launch, and now it’s in Jupiter, FL, with little night running required (though there were several fuel stops ;-).
    Here’s a good article about the first 66 Sedan Express, which did the same fast set of mostly day trips in January 2016, a hell of way to break in a new boat:

  4. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    M/V Dirona got underway early this morning for Cork, Ireland, and we can watch the passage in great detail here:
    Meanwhile I’m watching my friend Charlie Doane ( ) coming the other way on his new Boreal 47, now with one more day on the wind before a rest stop in Madeira. His inReach sharemap is nothing like Dirona’s elaborate tracking, but it’s great for the cost and ease. I’ll illustrate with some tracks of my own this week around Crystal River, Florida.

  5. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    James and Jennifer are making transatlantic progress but do check out — — a scary high bilge alarm situation at night in a gale. Reliable alarms are important! (And I’m pretty sure that both their sensor and audio alarm are Maretron.)
    Plus I just realized that Nordhavn posted an excellent video of the Hamiltons explaining Dirona’s systems:

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