Panbo’s new website, woooohoooo!

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

24 Responses

  1. Ben Stein Ben Stein says:

    I wanted to take a minute to thank those of you that took a look at the site before we launched. We appreciate everyone that supplied feedback but I especially want to thank Hartley for going above and beyond in helping us test.

  2. Congrats on migrating to WordPress! I use it as well, and have for a long while. It’s definitely the most popular CMS out there, and has tons of great features to help readers engage, and editors keep their sanity. Looking forward to all of the new changes!

  3. Hi guys, thought I would let you know that I think the new site is awesome. Great work and still a fantastic resource for all all sailors.


    Malcolm Eaton

    Yacht Safe Australia

  4. Anonymous says:

    Keep Up the great work new site looks great!

  5. Informação muito útil aos navegadores. ..

    {Very useful information for navigators…}

  6. Dave Geer Dave Geer says:

    Nice work ! Congratulations!

  7. Thank you Ben plural! Panbo has been an informative site for a years and the new format looks great. Keep up the great work.

  8. Peter H says:

    Ben – the first quick look is great – especially on a laptop computer. One small complaint for an older iPhone 5: That grey bar across the top of the page that says “Panbo”, which stays there when you scroll up, is not at the top of the screen. Its about one line of text down from the top. So, when scrolling, the text fades behind the grey bar, and then reappears at the very top of the page, which is visually distracting. I’d prefer if that Panbo grey bar would disappear after some time to give more screen real estate. Or alternatively have it go to the very top, rather than one line down from the top. Anyway, I think the suggested changes are great!

  9. Hmm – well, OK – while my earlier registration survived, my status didn’t 🙂 One micro-note: I’m running Firefox, and when I went thru the registration and profile pages, some stuff went underneath on the RH side of the operating text. I could see enuff to pull thru, but it might confuse some folks.
    And I finally get to update the antique email address I had with Moveable Type!

  10. Andrew Moyle Andrew Moyle says:

    Congratulations, Bens. I can only imagine how excited you are now that your migration is complete! Have never worked in it myself, but I hear Moveable Type can just represent customization overkill. WP is so much simpler with quicker implementations especially for a relatively nimble (read: small) staff. Has to be like suddenly freeing up that second hand tied behind your back.

    Will be sure to check back often and to keep an eye out for any responsive issues.


  11. Jeff Harrison says:

    Looks great!!

  12. Brian Strong says:

    Congratulations, Birds do it, Bees do it ….
    Why shouldn’t Ben do it – migrate that is.
    Nice work. Brian

  13. Ian Kelly says:

    love your work clean and crisp – one challenge – the classifieds link appears broken

  14. Hi Bens – great website and, clear and fresh and retains all the Panboesque features. Looking forward to seeing all my Actisense banners scrolling through.

  15. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    If you are logged into Panbo, you now have a neat new email notifications feature. Go to the Edit Acount page and you’ll see that you have four choices — a daily email if there are new posts, just a weekly email, or either way with press releases included.

    The familiar way of getting email notifications (in left column) still works fine, and doesn’t require registration or anything else besides an email address, but it is limited to the daily notification (without new press releases). All credit to Ben Stein for making it happen, but I will share the guilt if it seems a bad idea.

  16. Ben Stein Ben Stein says:

    On a related note to Ben’s post… We’ve heard from a few regular readers with troubles, suggestions and other notes. We welcome all feedback on the new site. If something isn’t working for you or doesn’t make sense. Please, let us know. You do that here or you can email me or Ben. My email is [email protected].

  17. Allen Schneider says:

    The new website looks great. I like the improvements, looks like a lot of thought went into the improvements

  18. Anonymous says:

    Ah, that explains the radio silence on Feedly then. I use Feedly to follow a bunch of sites, including Panbo. It hasn’t updated since the Nautic-On article a couple of weeks back 🙁

  19. brian strong says:

    Ben and Ben, Congratulations. Many know
    how much careful planning and long hours go
    into a project like this.

  1. September 10, 2018

    […] the Miami Show together, and it was “Ben S” who spearheaded the Panbo website rebuild that went live in late March. We’ve been working together closely for eight months, and I know beyond a doubt that he shares […]

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