Radar teases: Garmin goes big, Panbo gets wet

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

2 Responses

  1. Sandy Daugherty says:

    More soon?… MORE SOON??? No Ben; Phlebotomists, Process servers and Criminal Trial Judges are not allowed to say that. You shouldn’t either. Just a simple teaser photo would suffice!

  2. DaveV says:

    Ben- I checked on the FCC website and the radar is a standard Magnetron based Marine Radar with 6 and 12 Kw transmitters so your supposition is accurate.
    Theoretical range resolution is 50ft out to 0.75 Nmi, 75ft to 1 nmi and 125ft to 2 Nmi and so on. There are a great number of pulse lengths associated with the radar. These are likely matched to distances so that the radar provides optimum resolution for each display and max sensitivity.
    But if you go back to the Honeywell Pulse compression radar – the range resolution – providing 35ft resolution to 5 Nmi and 62 ft resolution to 10 Nmi is still unbeaten, except perhaps at very short ranges by the Navico Broadband Radar.
    In looking at the magnetron pulse shapes, I found that the very shortest pulses are not exactly “square” and do not quite reach the full 100 nSec pulse length. They vary from as short as 40 nSec to 60 nSec and out to 90 nSec depending the model of the radar. On the one hand those shorter lengths would improve resolution but reduce sensitivity due to the lower radiated average power and the wider required receiver bandwidths. So the actual on the water demo should be interesting.
    Building a marine radar with digital filters that can be altered to provide a “matched filter” response to every pulse length is the great achievement in this radar. That is all very high tech and will be a credit to the system performance – but it can be topped by solid state pulse compression radar systems. I suspect if the software was well done then the new Garmin radar will be a good competitor to existing Magnetron systems.

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