SureCall Fusion2Go 2.0 cell booster, the testing begins

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

17 Responses

  1. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    PS: There is a newer Fusion2go 3.0 model though I have yet to understand how it’s different than the 2.0 model:

  2. Richard Casano says:

    I have spent a lot of time trying to connect to open WiFi hot spots using a WiFi extender with very little luck. Most times the sites are protected and occasionally the mooring or anchorage is too far to get a reliable signal even when I have the marina’s password.

    Wouldn’t I be better off with an unlimited data plan from my cell phone carrier and use SureCall to make a robust connection? Can more than one cell phone use SureCall Fusion2Go? Another words, can I offer this to my crew without a lot of reconfiguration?

    • Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

      Hi Richard, Using my phone as a hotspot has often worked great for me, but do note that the “unlimited” plans have data caps after which the company may throttle data speed. But then again, my Verizon caps — one for phone, another for hotspot use — have gotten quite high and even when I have exceeded them, I did not see substantially lower performance.

      And these days a booster is pretty optional if you stay in close. Coming down the coast last fall I hardly used one at all, just had the phone is a good spot with a power feed (hotspotting can kill a battery fast). With these modern boosters, more than one phone can work but that’s also dependent on the interior antenna you are able to use in your particular setup. On my boat without a lot of separation or signal insulation between outside and inside antennas, I tend to use the patch antenna which is only good for one phone.

  3. I just finished testing a booster and various antennas over the last year plus –

    I’m very interested to see how your testing goes. I have never liked SureCall’s antennas, but their boosters are great. And I especially like the app showing details on the signal – I have several myself, but that one is pretty nice looking.

    There are a couple of new systems that came out in the last few months that are even better than the weBoost one I have, and likely the SureCall, but they are atrociously expensive. I’m hoping to get a hold of a couple of those for some testing this summer!

  4. Ben, I just chatted with some friends who do testing of boosters and antennas all of the time, and they’ve said the SureCall 3.0 version is supposed to be more powerful than the 2.0, and even more powerful than the industry-leading weBoost 4G-X which has held that spot for several years. They just got the 3.0 and haven’t validated the claim, but it could be interesting to see the differences!

  5. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Note that the Shakespeare SuperHalo kits uses the same SureCall technology but the booster itself is marinized and the outside Galaxy antenna (which I’ve heard good things about) ​uses the standard marine 1” 14 thread mounting:

  6. Michael Hervey says:

    Please mention the power consumption in your evaluation. I have stayed away from other amplifiers that consume so much power that can draw down the batteries when at anchor in remote locations.

  7. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    I’m ashamed that I have not written a follow up review yet, and I still have one task before I’ll feel right about it. At any rate, I have seen excellent automatic performance from this booster in many marginal Verizon cellular conditions. I was using the Digital Antenna Bullet antenna I already had installed on Gizmo along with LMR 400 cable — see — but I hope to see similar when I finally install Surecall’s own bullet-like antenna. When it’s not 9 degrees cold outside.

    I was reminded of the Surecall when I just came across this:

  8. Michael Hervey says:

    Ben, I went ahead and bought one of these units but did not have the need to install it because we had great service for most of the summer while on the Loop. In the Grafton, Illinois area, we were stopped for several days in an area with one bar of Verizon coverage. The only usable service was text messaging and that was slow. I hoisted the antenna to the top of our Grand Banks mast on a halyard and we enjoyed 3-4 bars of strength with pretty good data speed.

    I look forward to your review.

  9. Geir Ove Bø says:

    Yes, still waiting for it 🙂

    • Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

      Sorry about that Geir, but I still haven’t tried the SureCall with the antenna shown in the kit photo at top. But it’s going to happen and I now also have a marine version of the same booster technology that will soon be introduced as the Shakespeare Stream. It looks good to me with the Fusion2GO marinized inside and a proper antenna that fits to a standard 1-inch marine mount.

      In the meantime, you could check out this excellent review site:

  1. May 21, 2018

    […] on Marine Traffic. The Internet connection was thanks to some excellent cell boosting by the Surecall Fusion2Go I’m testing. And the fact that Gizmo was also being tracked on MT — despite a Class B signal that seemed […]

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