Fugawi.com Charts Now Available on OpenCPN

3 Responses

  1. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    This seems like an excellent development to me, and I hope to give it a deep look. Actually, I’ve had OpenCPN installed on my laptop for a while, and got access to the beta Fugawi plug-in a couple of weeks ago, but starting Sunday I’ll have some alone time on Gizmo while also slow cruising from Hampton to Long Island Sound.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Unfortunately Fugawi is going out of the chart business altogether as of Nov 30. Bad news for MacENC and openCPN users.

    • Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

      Thanks, anon. We had forgotten to publish a press release that’s relevant to the perceived problem, but it’s up now:


      I also spoke with NV Charts at METS and they are confident that the change from having Fugawi distribute their electronic charts to a direct relationship with charting software developers like iNavX will go smoothly, and apparently with plenty of help from Fugawi. They also said that most all of the many other cartography suppliers that are available in iNavX will make the transition.

      I don’t know specifics about MacEN or openCPN, but the former is part of the iNavX family and I imagine the latter has the talent to put together a direct chart licensing system. Also note that current Fugawi chart subscriptions will be honored through 2019 and their customer support is not shutting down.


      It does seem odd that Fugawi would make this change so soon after working out support for openCPN. But I gather what happened is that Johnson Outdoors now wants their subsidiary Fugawi to focus on their own Humminbird charting, though their intent is to leave the distribution business gracefully.

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