Simrad Halo solid-state open-array radar, what you get

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

14 Responses

  1. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    My colleague Jason Wood also got the Halo demo at Hawk’s Cay, his take here:

  2. “RI-12 universal Radar Interface Box”. Almost universal. I was wondering if it replaces the RI-10 used by existing Broadband scanners. It does use the same 9 mm scanner cable and 14-pin connector and the pin out looks the same (not sure about pin 3). The existing domes are supposed to be fed 12-24 V, not 36 V, so close but probably not, or not yet.

  3. Anonymous says:

    You can plug a 3G or 4G radar into the RI-12 -it will work but Marpa will not.
    Halo will not replace the RI-10 due to cost. The RI-12 has to supply much higher peak power under high wind conditions.

  4. Henning says:

    A very interesting development.
    One question, though, since it claims dual range capability and is only supported by NSS evo2 and NSO evo2:
    On page 19 of the “NSO-II Marine Processor Installation Manual” it still says “NSO-II only support one radar on the network.”
    AFAIK, because of the way Simrad has implemented dual range, “dual range” and “dual radar” are identical in terms of support by an MFD.
    I would expect a software update for NSO evo2. Is one forthcoming or is my conclusion incorrect?
    An on a personal note, should it turn out that Halo is really not supported by B&G, this is one more reason to stick with Simrad even on a sailboat. I have, for example, seen a number of 45+ ft. Hallberg Rassys with open array radars (from Furuno).
    And keeping in mind that NSS evo2’s support of dual range also means dual radar, I will compare it against a combination of a (Simrad) pulse radar, radome or open array, combined with a BR4G. One advantage of such a setup is that the radars can be mounted at their optimum heights, the pulse radar above the first spreader and the 4G just above deck level. In my experience with a pulse radar that couldn’t see the banks of the Kiel Canal as it was mounted too high and a 4G that could only see a container ship at 4nm as it was mounted too low (in rough seas), I consider this an important aspect of the ideal near-and-far radar.

  5. Anonymous says:

    NSO evo2 is capable of doing dual range and dual radar currently (Halo and 4G together is no problem). Only the original NSS had the single radar limitation.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I have a 48ft flybridge motorboat and would love to fit one of these radars (minus the blue light!!) on my radar arch to go with my NSS Evo12s. Unfortunately they seem very heavy with the pedestal weighing in at 41.3lbs and the aerials another 9-14lbs. This results in a weight of over 50lbs high up in the boat for which I have reservations. Lightweight pedestal required.

  7. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Interesting! I can’t find any evidence that Halo is heavier than other open-array radars; in fact, it’s somewhat lighter. But then again the Halo antennas are longer tip-to-tip (i.e. including end caps). Here’s what I got for 4-foot models (errors possible):
    Simrad Halo-4: 52.3 lb, 56.3″
    Furuno DRS6A: 55.1 lb, 49.4″
    Raymarine 1048SHD: 57.3 lb, 52″
    Garmin 424 XHD2: 59.3 lb, 52″

  8. Quitsa says:

    Really looking forward to your “how it works” discussion. Is this new Simrad radar really able to paint very long range targets with 25W as well as a conventional Furuno 25kW recreational open array can do having a 1000 times more output power?
    I thought the main benefit for military and commercial solid state radars is the much longer service life and reduced replacement costs. That matters a lot if you run your radar nearly 24/7 and can rack up 8,000+ hours per year but doesn’t mean much to a recreational user with 100 hours per year.

  9. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Nice! Edson is already out with mounting plates for putting Halo easily on hard tops or integrating one with their Vision Series multi-antenna systems:

  10. Anonymous says:

    Hi Henning,
    please note a newer revision of the Simrad NSOevo2 manual is available on the website. You are referring to text in an outdated version.

  11. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Nice again! PYI SeaView also has a variety of Halo mount options ready…
    …as well as a dedicated Simrad catalog:

  12. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Cool! Definitive word on B&G Zeus2 working w Halo radar: “Navico is currently 100% focused on Halo working with Simrad systems. We are testing with our Zeus2 black box and once validated we plan to approve Halo as a networked performance module for B&G certified systems. Nevertheless, it will always be a Simrad Halo radar and not sold under B&G brand. For the sailing customers lucky enough to be able to fit an array, Simrad Halo will plug & play with its sister brand. This is in line with how we currently support open magnetron arrays.”

  13. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Simrad NSS evo2 3.0 update is out with support for Halo radar, many new features for Jeppesen C-Map MAX-N+ 2015 charts, and more, plus many bug fixes:

  14. Bob Muir says:

    Any updated info on Zeus2 compatibility?
    Also, I’m wondering, if NSS evo2 is required, would I be able to share my charts from the Zeus2 with the NSS?

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