MPower digital switching, the strengths of Maretron and Carling align

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

7 Responses

  1. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    On the Superyacht side, Carling is working with Palladium to upscale Octoplex technology with amazing expected results:

    “We’ve done some studies on a 100m yacht and a 140m yacht and we’re seeing upwards of 20 tons of copper cabling being saved and around €2.5 million euros of savings [on the overall build cost]”

  2. Grant Jenkins says:

    Nice article Ben – and great news about the Carling/Maretron merge. Both companies get a lot of respect from me for innovative design and quality construction. The MPower system looks really powerful in terms of configuration, like most Maretron devices. I hope their phone support makes the transition to Jupiter OK – seems it’s almost single-handedly run by Mark Oslund in Phoenix, who usually answers on the first ring!

    • Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

      One of my first thoughts too, Grant, but apparently Mark did not want to move. However, get this: Mark is now working for the NMEA (remotely I guess), so hopefully his expertise and enthusiasm will benefit us in other ways.

      • Evan Bauman says:

        Glad to hear that Mark landed in the right job. I had several calls with Mark over the years about various Maretron components (I have about a dozen modules and associated sensors on Fifty Fifty), and always found him knowledgeable and even more enthusiastic about Maretron gear. I called in a few weeks ago with a question on a newly acquired SIM100 modules to watch for water leaks and spoke with Mark’s replacement. Wish I could remember his name but he also had encyclopedic knowledge of the Maretron product line. I think we’re in good hands.

        • Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

          Evan, I suspect that you talked with Ron De Patino, who Mark described to me yesterday as an “an up and coming star with real-world experience”!

          Incidentally, Mark’s new title at NMEA is “Communication Standards Coordinator.” All good.

  3. Dan Corcoran Dan Corcoran says:

    Great article Ben, and the credit to Maretron for their contribution to N2K well deserved.

    Those boat builders who have not taken notice should.

    I can see, at the much lower entry point cost, how these components including the binary event monitors and a good DIY installation could get me more than halfway to a car like on/off experience for my sailboat, especially helpful when I let my crew go out without me.

  4. Richard W Sorenson says:

    Hi Ben,
    Thanks for the writeup. I have to say, in regards to your great jest ‘mine (sic:me) is bigger than yours’, I would just slightly rephrase as a family company, employees and all, that ‘ours is bigger than yours’ 🙂 That aside, you are The Man – you founded and built Panbo into a fantastic, totally respected marine blog with absolute integrity, and it’s great to see Ben S coming onboard with his dedication to continue and enhance such a great site. As you mentioned, the marine market may be a relatively small part of our overall business, however, boating is something near and dear to all of our family and we want to do our absolute best to support and enhance products and capabilities in the marine market. Also appreciate in the comment section your mentioning our partnering with Palladium Technologies on their Titan distributed power system – some of the installations currently in proposal stages would involve A/C panels with 8,000 or more circuit breakers, all remotely monitored and controlled – here’s a link to a great video presentation of the system:
    Have a great summer!
    Best, Rick Sorenson

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