Simrad is 75 years old, and doing fine

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

11 Responses

  1. Donald Joyce says:

    Thanks for the interesting history, Ben!

  2. Allan Seymour says:

    Great story Ben. A lot of good research. Would be a good film for PBS.

  3. Morgan says:

    I have this old cardboard box that is taped up with “MICROLOGIC” logo tape. I think its funny that this box is from an extinct company that disappeared sometime in the early 90’s?

  4. Donald Joyce says:

    They made great stuff. I remember the gold circuit board my Micrologic Loran C had. Corrosion wasn’t an issue. Just obsolecence,

  5. Mark says:

    I remember skippering a Hatteras with a Northstar 6000 LORAN. It was as big as a microwave, and had a huge nixie-tube display you could read from the other side of the pilothouse. Back then you were dealing with lines of TD. I believe it was Texas Instruments that came out with the first LORAN receiver that would display latitude & longitude.

  6. Mark says:

    An aside,
    While a student at FIT (jensen Beach) I got a tour of the Jupiter LORAN station. It was a large facility, manned by a USCG crew. It was obvious from the hum, heat and wiring, that a lot of power was being sucked from the mains power and spit out the antenna tower. I was impressed by the standby generator, which had to come on-line instantly if the power failed. There was an electric motor powered by the mains, which constantly spun a huge flywheel. A diesel generator was connected to the other side of the flywheel, with a magnetic clutch, held disengaged by mains power. When mains failed, clutch engages generator to flywheel, generator is rotating at full RPM, instantly. I can’t imagine the torque on the generator crankshaft!

  7. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Interesting. Panbo reader Peter Wilcox sent this article to his “bit of a radio nut” friend Richard Dillman, and got this reply:

    That “Sweetheart” radio is a sought after item among those of us who collect “spy radios” and other military radios of WWII and pre-WWII vintage. The surprise is that they still work just fine, often with minimal repair. Even though many were primitive even in their time they are mostly so well designed that they work very well.

    The queen of my collection is a PRC-1 OSS suitcase radio from WWII. Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to carry it through occupied Amsterdam from the central station to your safe house, pretending it doesn’t weigh 32lbs, ans send messages back to England while listening for the boots of the Gestapo on the stairs. The instructions caution to make sure the lights of the house don’t blink when you key the transmitter! It’s one of the most powerful of the radios of this type, putting out 40W while most such radios are less than half that…

    Richard helps with the Maritime Radio Historical Society, which documents a lot of coastal station history at its website and also maintains station KPH on Point Reyes, CA:

  8. B.v.Leijen says:

    Hello, I am restoring a Simrad 550-4 radio transceiver from 1956 and i wonder if anyone can help me with a manual or schematic if that still exist. any info about the radio is welcome.

    greetz B.v.Leijen

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