DY NavLink, how will your iPad get boat data?
On Friday I got a press release announcing Digital Yacht’s NavLink NMEA2000 to WiFi Server, and while I certainly understand the desire to get boat sensor data of all sorts onto iPads and other tablets, I remain confused about how it will all play out. For instance, how is the NavLink “revolutionary” when the Chetco SeaSmart and DMK boxes purportedly do the same job? And whereas there is no NMEA standard for putting N2K onto Ethernet yet, are all these products doing it differently so they won’t necessarily work with even the few marine apps that already accept data over WiFi? Then there’s the issue of NMEA 2000 certification; though I sure wish the standards organization would get this sorted out, I still think their certification process must especially be honored when a product is all about translating NMEA’s intellectual property. When I wrote about that several of you disagreed, but I understand that Chetco is very close to certification and I trust Digital Yacht will also work on it. But I don’t see NMEA 2000 certification on the NavLink box and also don’t now what DY means by “Digital Yacht has their own, certified version of NMEA2000, called N2NET, and in the future customers will see more and more products enabled with this interface.” I’m hoping DY will clarify — they just did, and well, see first comment on Panbo — but in the meantime I’ve been testing some other means to the same end…