Category: Press Releases


Learn About Internet and TV for Boats & Yachts at KVH Educational Seminars 5/14 and 5/20

As part of the Virtual Palm Beach International Boat Show, marine electronics leader KVH is presenting two free virtual educational seminars on the topics of bringing Internet and satellite TV to the boat. “Even though boaters can’t go to the Palm Beach show in person this year, the virtual webinars are a great way to …


Fischer Panda UK Announces NMEA 2000 Certification

Fischer Panda UK has announced that its latest generators are now officially NMEA 2000 certified. Enabling easy integration of compatible generators with other on-board systems, the new National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA) certification confirms that Fischer Panda GmbH fulfils the requirements for the widely recognised communications standard for marine electronics equipment…


Seatronx Launches New Digital Matrix Switching Command Center

Seatronx, manufacturer, distributor and designer of the finest rugged electronics catering specifically to the military, maritime and industrial markets, announced today the launch of the Seatronx Digital Matrix Switching Command Control system (SCC). The Seatronx SCC takes bridge control to a completely new level. The system not only allows operators to control individual or multiple displays including…


“Furuno Connections” Season 2 delivers a head-to-head product shootout among the industry’s four major players!

“Furuno Connections” is back, and Furuno is bringing something very special for Season 2. They’ve outfitted four boats with complete electronics packages, one from each of their major competitors and one with NavNet TZtouch3, and they are taking you out on the water to put all of these systems through their paces in a head-to-head product shootout! …


Airmar Introduces Breakthrough DST810 Bluetooth Enabled Multisensor

AIRMAR Technology Corporation, a world leader in ultrasonic sonar and Chirp technology, is pleased to announce their depth/speed/temperature DST810 Smart Multisensor, a significant upgrade to the marine market’s most popular TRIDUCER Multisensor, the DST800…


Marine Vendors Join Forces for Nineteen For 19 Fundraiser

Nineteen companies who make marine-related merchandise have come together to raise money for those affected financially by the coronavirus pandemic. Nineteen for 19, organized by ugo wear, a maker of waterproof electronics cases, is a fundraiser to benefit Modest Needs Foundation, a nonprofit that provides emergency relief for individuals and families in need…


ZOLEO Inc. debuts the world’s first truly seamless global messaging solution for smartphones

ZOLEO Inc., an emerging global messaging solutions company, today announced the launch of ZOLEO, the world’s first truly seamless global messaging and personal safety solution for smartphone users who venture beyond mobile coverage. The flagship product from a joint venture between Beam Communications Pty Ltd. and Roadpost Inc., ZOLEO is the first consumer-focused messaging solution of its kind based on Iridium Short Burst Data (SBD), cellular and Wi-Fi standards…


BOATING SUITE Releases Major Update – Latest Release for iOS NOW Available

Boating Suite, LLC today announced Boating Suite: Logbook & Expense Tracker is now available on the Apple App Store. Version 2020.1 is a major update to Boating Suite and represents the third major iteration of the app. Not only has Boating Suite been completely re-written from the ground up, it delivers many new features including a completely new interface and dashboard, track recording, weather integration, native iPad support, one-button trip logging, dark mode support and more.

The Ocean Signal SafeSea EPIRB1 Pro with Category 1 Auto Deploy Bracket 0

Ocean Signal Introduces SafeSea EPIRB1 Pro – The World’s Most Compact Float-Free EPIRB

Ocean Signal has developed the world’s most compact Category 1 (auto-deploy) Emergency Position Indicating Rescue Beacon – the SafeSea EPIRB1 Pro. The new EPIRB1 Pro features a ground-breaking 30 percent reduction in size compared to other EPIRBs, a huge 10-year battery life and a retail price that makes it one of the most affordable EPIRBs on the market…