Share your boat’s AIS info, easy with DataHub by PredictWind

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

24 Responses

  1. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Good news from PredictWind regarding the Local Knowledge satellite AIS display:

    “At present we use the SPIRE API directly to render the data, but soon we will download this data to our own database, and this will increase the performance by a huge factor!”

  2. Andy says:

    Aishub says:

    “Your AIS feed will be added to our automatic monitoring and your data will be displayed at VesselFinder”

    So they are already interconnected, no need to feed them both yes?

    • Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

      I think you’re right that AISHub and VesselFinder are closely connected, and AISHub also shares with some other services. But it’s all a bit murky behind the scenes, so maybe the more feeds the better.

  3. Installed one just to get my N2K data feed on wifi. Not using the other features. Can say it is not ready for prime-time. As has been the case with most PW products. (And most tech products in general.)

    Loses connection to computer, data filtering not very good. Interface is slow.
    I admit, it is overkill for what I wanted but I thought a simple N2K>wifi interface would work easily out of the box.

    • I’ll add that I used it for 4 weeks on a crossing from Mexico to the Marquesas.

    • Luis Soltero Luis Soltero says:

      Can you make sure that you are running version 3.39 of the DataHub firmware? 3.39 adds the AIS sharing and also improves the N2K->N183 via wifi to include AIS targets.

      You might take a look at the DataHub deep dive done for the SSCA… here is the link.


      • I stopped using it. Not a solid piece of equipment. When I swapped it out for a nmea multiplexer / wifi bridge, my bad data problems went away (including wrong dates from GPS which I reported to Predictwind). Not ready for prime time when released.

        • Luis Soltero Luis Soltero says:

          my guess is that there is bad data on your N2K network which is resulting in the GPS data having bad data. We have seen this before… the PW for simplicity does not have a complex UI to make selections of which talker to listen to. it also doesn’t make any decisions on the data.. it converts what it sees and sends it on. your new name/wifi gateway might have some filtering intelligence in it that tosses out data that it deems incorrect.

          My suggestion is that you enable NNEA logging on the hub and capture the log file. The log file is in antisense format so you can use the antisense ebl viewer to analyze the data. My guess is that you will find a GPS (possibly one that is older that has not been updated to deal with epoch change) that is putting invalid data on your N2K bus.

        • Andy says:

          Wrong dates from GPS sounds almost 100% like a week rollover issue on some GPS unit, most likely Furuno.

          I have currently 10+ discrete GNSS sources on my boat network. All the Furuno ones report wrong date, all the others – Garmins, Ublox, some OEM in android etc – do not.

  4. Dan Corcoran Dan Corcoran says:

    If they are connected N2K, are they sampling wind information to share as live data with other boats or improve their forecasts? Capture location and depth information to resell to Navionics and others? Unlike most boats, With B&G I have accurate ground wind information, perhaps they should provide these receivers free if you sail often enough to make your data valuable.

  5. Phil says:

    Does it use SignalK? Surely Openplotter is the way forward.

  6. David says:

    A cursory look at the PDF manual and no reference to Starlink.
    I would think PW would approach Starlink with an idea to include more boaters that have Starlink and not have to goto more expense with Iridium GO for AIS and other features not at all covered with a Basic subscription.
    The small time user is just not important to PW.
    When I’m logged into PW I see no offers or any doco on upgrading anything like what is shown in this blog post.

    • Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

      David, actually I’m pretty sure that a PW DataHub interface with Starlink is at the top of the development roadmap, and I’ll know more tomorrow as the chief developer Luis Soltero just arrived in my home harbor with a Starlink installed on his boat.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Hi David,

    I am responding to this email using a Hub connected to starlink(SL). Starlink offers an always on internet connection either via WiFi or ethernet (if you have purchased the ethernet option). In essence starlink looks like any ordinary internet connection to the Hub.

    You can WiFi tether to the starlink router or you can plug the starlink ethernet appliance into the WAN port of the Hub. Either method will get you onto the internet.

    When using the WiFi bridge mode the only addition thing that needs to be done is to add a static route to so that the SL app and the management portal (at are available. This can be done using the super admin login and its pretty straight forward.

    I have actually converted my SL to DC power using a 12-48 DC-DC converter and a PoE injector purchased all on amazon. This does two things.. I reduces the power consumed by SL by 50% and provides an ethernet interface to the satellite system. In my setup I have SL connected to the WAN port of the HUB and an inexpensive android phone with a SIM card connected to the USB port. The HUB routes traffic preferentially to starlink if it has internet connectivity and in areas where there is no SL connectivity the HUB automatically routes traffic through the cell phone.

    All has been working flawlessly for about 4 weeks now. BTW.. in my new setup there is no need to add a static route to since dishy manages the DHCP and the IP address assigned to the HUB on the WAN port is in the 192.168.100.X subnet.

    So… yes.. HUB supports starlink without issue.

    BTW… to use the HUB AIS services listed in this article you may need to update the firmware to version 3.39… PW supplies instructions for this. Once done then you will see the 10% off in the AIS section. Basically, PW offers 10% off the subscription service to anyone who shares their AIS.

    send an email to [email protected] should you have any questions.


    • Redwood says:

      Hello, Luis, I’m trying to do exactly what you’re describing. I’ve converted my dishy to run of DC, and it works fine off the Starlink Router, but plugging into DataHub I get no love. Sometimes it gets a DHCP address, but it just flaps up/down over and over. You’ve got me thinking that I may have a wiring issue or something else. You’re the first person I’ve found on the internet that has this working. Thank you for posting your about setup.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Hi Redwood,

    hm…interesting… I ran this way all summer. What conversion instructions did you use?

    Here are the instructions I used.

    On a side note… I looks like ART in Miami is going to commercialize this and come out with a ready made product to do this.

    So… I take it you are not using the StarLink router at all?

    Anyway… I ran my 24/7 for 3 months without issue. No special setup on the Hub… just plugged the ethernet cable into WAN port.

    BTW… the power consumption with this setup is about 2 amps… about 50% less than using the stock SL router.


    • Redwood says:

      Hi! Thanks for the reply. Same instructions for the most part, with the majority of the details being 99% the same. I can run with the Starlink router using a coupler, no problems. So I’m pretty sure I’ve eliminated the POE injector, the wiring, the boost converter.

      Yeah, the power usage is our main concern here, smaller boat. And well, we want to use the DataHub anyway.

      I believe I’m suffering from the DHCP Lease outlined here:

      One blog post I’ve read suggests that I need to power off the Starlink Router for an hour or more to let DHCP leases expire back at the Starlink homebase. I can’t quite wrap my head around this, but I’m going to give it a try.

  9. Luis Soltero Luis Soltero says:

    Unfortunately I am not on the boat but I don’t remember having DHCP issues. Could be that issues started up after I left the boat with a firmware update to starlink.

    Have you tried assigning a static IP address to the interface. This is easily done on the hub by logging in a super admin and then navigating to Network->Interfaces. Edit the WAN interface and give it a static IP address in the subnet that SL is expecting.

    This from the OpenWRT post above

    I finally just clicked the “reset” button next to the WAN port in the OpenWRT UI; that caused it to fully reset the link and get a new working address via DHCP. And all is well.

    You can do this from super admin account…. Once you get an IP address that works I suggest changing the WAN config to static using that IP address or an address in the same subnet.

    Let me know if that works.

    • Redwood says:

      Luis, thank you so much for all your help. I was able to finally troubleshoot this issue to the power supply.

      Even though I installed a high quality power supply, it’s not powerful enough to get all the way through the boot cycle, so Dishy would come up, issue the temporary DHCP address and at some point the power supply would reset because of over current protection, and the Dishy would, obviously, reboot. An amp meter and volt meter and close monitoring of the power supply for two minutes after initial boot finally uncovered the problem.

      Hopefully this helps others out there. Look for a power supply providing close to 400 watts as you can find.

  10. Luis Soltero Luis Soltero says:

    Data Hub now is able to generate class B VDO messages for transmission to the AIS aggregators without the need to have an AIS receiver or transmitter. This allows users without AIS to be tracked on MarineTraffic and other tracking websites without the need of any additional hardware. All that is required is a Hub and an Internet connection.

    AIS messages are stored on the SD car when there is no internet and then uploaded to Aggregators that accept historic positions when the internet is available.


  11. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Interesting! PredictWind is offering existing customers early access to the new Exec model Iridium GO said to be 40x faster than the original model. There’s not much info online yet, but here are some tastes of what’s coming:

    Also, the DataHub will get new features apparently designed to integrate well with the new GO! exec will enable several new DataHub features like the PredictMail already in beta:

  12. Dan says:

    With some really good algorithms to account for tide, heel, and installation differences between boats, and I think they could crowdsource better depth contours and shifting bottoms for our MFD’s.

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