Who’s driving that big rig? (#2, he’s asleep!)

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

3 Responses

  1. A Croatian skipper recently bought my navigation software, TIKI Navigator. He called me to ask what kind of GPS I would recommend and how to get the free US NOAA marine charts. I recommended a reasonably priced puck GPS, but was somewhat surprised to learn that he wanted all the US charts. When I asked him if he really needed charts for Alaska, the US West Coast, East coast, the Great Lakes, Carrebean and Hawaii, he said yes. Even more surprised I asked him what kind of boat he had. It was a tanker! His English was a bit hard to understand, so I asked him again – and yes, he was the captain of a big tanker. OK, I thought – how nice to have my program for leasure boaters used as a backup on a tanker. Reading your article “Who’s driving that big rig?”, I wonder…

  2. DefJef says:

    sv Essence collided with a cargo vessel in LIS two weeks ago. Essence sank and one crew member died… The collision occured at 0400.. who was on watch?
    Electronic collision avoiidance anyone?
    sv shiva

  3. Steve says:

    Instead of laying all of the blame on the captain, maybe we should examine the responablity of the ship owners to provide safe working conditions and up to date equipment.

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