Monthly Archive: November 2007

Fusion Marine Stereo, iPod right 1

Fusion Marine Stereo, iPod right


It’s still in prototype, “but close to done”, and close enough that I’m sure this entirely new Fusion marine stereo design is going to make some boaters very happy. Particularly those of the iPod orientation…

Blue Boat, way to go in Dam 4

Blue Boat, way to go in Dam

Amsterdam Blueboat cPanbo

Good day. My fourth METS show in six years (starts tomorrow), but the first with my (fairly) patient wife along, and the first day that I’ve gotten out on the Amsterdam canals or even seen much blue sky here (in November). We got a ticket for a Blue Boat tour with our B&B, and that turned out lucky too…

Boat show “siberia”, you gotta look! 4

Boat show “siberia”, you gotta look!


I always make some time to get to the furthest reaches of the Fort Lauderdale and Miami Boat Shows. These are back rooms so far from the real action of these big shows that the new exhibitors you find there often think of themselves as exiled in “Siberia”…